Saturday, April 18, 2015


Okay, I know. I haven't blogged since January, but in my mind I have an acceptable excuse! I've written maybe 8 pages since? I think? Oh well, I've also split my time among a very busy schedule with class, work, figuring out what I'm doing with my life, getting over an illness that's lingered for over a month, and planning my 6 week adventure in EUROPE!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty excited for Europe. Also, while most people dread the 8+ hour plane ride that I'll be enduring, I'm pretty stoked. It means 8+ hours of uninterrupted writing towards my book and no internet to distract me. :)  The flight might also mean nap time if I'm completely honest.

While I'm in Europe, I'm hoping to get some new experiences in that will help inspire me to make this book magnificent. I'll be documenting my adventure in a journal and postcards (which I'll turn into its own unique journal) to keep to myself. Maybe this European adventure will spark another book idea to be written? Eh, time will tell.

I'm hoping to finish my book in the next couple months though! I probably won't blog again until I have it fully written and want to brag that I actually completed the initial writing process.

Life's an adventure. Live it, love it, write it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I made it! Ok, so my book is not anywhere near completion, but I've finally met my original goal.
About 3.5 years ago I set out to transform a bizarre dream I had into a novel. The goal was a 100 page word document single book. As I constructed it I quickly realized that it would be three books, not one. Then, as I added parts, the 100 page goal turned into a 170 page maximum (I can't let the word count get out of hand).
So today, 7th of January, I sit with my partially completed novel: 100 pages of glory and 67,391 words. By the end of June I'm hoping to write the final words to my novel and begin the revising/editing process. I have yet to make a deadline, so I'd best be off. My next goal is to meet the final deadline I've set for my book, and it shouldn't be unobtainable.

175 days to conquer about 70 pages worth of material. I can do this.

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 In Review (kind of)

I'm not going to waste your time reading this, or my time writing this. To get straight to it, 2014 sucked. Right after midnight tolled and 2015 began, I felt new again and that my struggles from the past year were over. Although, the year did provide me with one awesome thing, and that was 50-55 pages added to my book. Over the last 3.5 years I've gotten about 100 pages written, and the bulk of it was written in the latter portion of this year.

I feel so empowered by this change of the year and will (hopefully) write each day so I can finish my book in June. I'm just going to emphasize *hopefully* because I have yet to meet a deadline that I've set for myself.

Let's rewind to May 2014 so I can prove this point.
I got so sick of not making deadlines that I made two calendars: one for June and one for July. Each was mapped out counting down every 10 days to remind myself that my time was running out to reach a particular portion in my book. I even wrote little notes along the way to guilt myself into writing. For example, at the top of my July calendar I wrote myself a "note of encouragement." It read: "A little birdie told me that you're behind. Better get at it. This shit won't write itself." I remember writing that at the beginning of June, and then laughing in July when I realized I knew myself too well. I barely made a dent in the writing I needed to finish when July rolled around. But looking back, I'm glad I wrote that because I got to work and wrote a ton of pages...about 30. Lo and behold, today I still haven't reached my end of July goal, so maybe I just had outrageous wishful thinking.

Right after the year flipped over, I changed my computer background to a picture that included a quote which pretty much sums up what I want from this year. I love the quote, I've loved it for years, and I felt it was right to smack in front of my face each time I started my computer. This is it.
Beautiful scenery with a quote so simple. The only way I will have the opportunity to run along the journey I want to create, is with "...a single step." By writing each day, I'm a step closer to that journey. But the best part of it all is that each step is a journey in itself.

This year will be the year I finish writing my book and begin the process of revising and editing. With my confidence restored, there's not much that can stop me!