Thursday, June 13, 2013

life thus far.

Through the course of life we discover what makes us happy, sad, angry, and so forth. But we also learn lessons on various levels to keep and reflect on. They're taught to us through experience, and experience is how we live. These lessons I'm reflecting on now are partially because of recent events, but also because I constantly think about them. I never stop thinking about what I've learned so I can be a better person. Several times since I was younger I was told, "The day you stop learning, is the day you stop living." Naturally, I've kept a vast set of interests so that I could continue expanding my mind to keep from being ignorant in the world of opportunity. Though I have much to learn still, I feel like I have a solid foundation to build from.

First, I'd like to address anyone who feels entitled to anything. There's no set amount of responsibilities that each of us must fulfill, but it is a duty to take responsibility over situations we can. We cannot feel entitled to objects or abstract ideas if we simply want it, or have worked toward it. So many people think they deserve something just because they temporarily wanted it. Why should anyone be given anything if they didn't put their heart into it? We're becoming lazy. People sit around and expect things to be given to them when they've taken no responsibilities upon themselves. When the people aren't doing their duty, why should they expect others to? Why should anyone be given anything if they haven't been responsible and done their part? If you have a problem with scholarships being given to people based on their race, then why do you feel entitled to a promotion for doing as you're told? The concepts are the same. If you don't take the responsibility upon yourself to work towards something to better yourself, then you shouldn't feel entitled to promotions, money, respect, etc. We live in a world where our actions aren't always repaid in the same respect, but we must strive for the moments they are.

Second, I'd like to address expressing yourself. We've all heard that no one is better at being you, than you. It's cliche sounding, yet so true. Those around us want us to succeed in whatever path we choose to follow. Whether the path is a simple trek, or a near impossible journey, it all starts within us. How we define and express ourselves allows us to discover if we truly are comfortable in who we are. A journey, no matter how small, becomes difficult if we lose ourselves along the way. We express ourselves in what we wear, music, talents, and interests. Take a moment to think of the brand names you cover yourself with, the makeup that seemingly matches an actresses, and your talents. Do you define yourself by what you see portrayed by others, or do you have your own image? Are you so consumed in how you look that you forget who you are beneath it all? When life gets rough, the push to continue along our journey comes from within. Allow yourself to discover your talents and everything great about yourself beyond the materialistic arts. Don't settle because it's easy, be motivated by your dreams and talents. Express yourself in a way that those around you know you're confident, yet still humble. No one great got to their place of distinction by sitting back, silently dreaming of what could be. They expressed themselves and had the confidence within that held strong when not everyone agreed with their idea.

Third, friendships aren't always made to last. As we grow up, we discover who we want to be and what we want out of our future. We don't control who is or isn't our friend manually. Most of the time, we simply grow apart from people. The friends who stay part of our lives through thick and thin, are cherished more closely and not forgotten. Small tiffs can tear apart friends, but honestly, how true was the friendship if mends couldn't be made? Distance also alters friendships. When away, we become more of who we aspire to be, and sometimes upon return, the friendship doesn't always click like it used to. The mutual drawbacks will be easier to move on from, but when the friendship ends abruptly due to clash of ideals, closure is harder to come by. We strive for answers, it's human nature. No one really likes settling on an idea that nothing can be done. As long as you stay true, there's nothing more to be said. If neither of you can see eye to eye, then leave it and move on. The world is vast and full of people to meet and befriend. Stay true to who you want to be, and those who stay in your life or enter it will only bring you happiness.

Fourth, do not try to change a persons beliefs. The basic principles that people most often want to debate are ones that have been embedded in their minds so long that they won't change. It doesn't matter who they got the initial idea from, everyone adapts their own take to it. Take for instance politics, religion, and love. For me, politics was a whiteboard that I drew on and created my own stance. It may be similar to my family's, but it is uniquely my own. It isn't something I can even fully discuss with them, because my ideals are different and I see things differently. Religion is something that was embedded into me the day I was born. I've since seen things my own way, but the roots remain. Love is something that has surrounded us all as well, but we all have different interpretations. To some, love doesn't exist, to others, love is behind everything. Growing up, I heard phrases like: "love is blind," "love at first sight," and so forth. I don't believe anyone truly understands how I view love, but in short, it's complicated. I believe it does and does not exist in equal quantities. What I've learned is it's ok to be curious and ask people about their beliefs and why, but never question them whether their beliefs are right or wrong. Who really knows what's right or wrong, anyway? Beliefs are what make us individuals, and it would be a shame if we never allowed ourselves to make our own.

Fifth, you never know a good thing until it's gone. It doesn't matter what situation you apply this phrase to because it revives itself every day. You're never sad until your happiness is gone. Being a naturally content species, we don't tell ourselves we're happy; we simply are until something upsets our happiness. Being a fairly easily interpreted phrase, I'll just allow it to mesh into my next lesson.

Last but not least, cherish life. Cherish family, friends, and opportunities, because before you know it, they're gone. It didn't take me long to learn this lesson, in fact, I'm still learning from it. The opportunities you have to enjoy the company around you shouldn't be wasted away by wishing you were elsewhere. Any opportunity you have to seize the day, do it. One day you might not get the chance. Seize it for those who no longer can, and for the day you no longer can. Tell your family you love them every chance, because the one time you don't might be your last chance.

Learn from others experiences, and never stop experiencing life yourself. Remember, it's never a mistake if it taught you something.

> This song has a pretty good message if you view it on life in general.

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